What Are Your Weekly Goals?

A goal without a plan is just a wish. Are you busy wishing upon a star or are you ready for change? 

In order to make a change you have to put a plan into action. It doesn't have to be complicated either. 

First,declare your overall goal. Next create daily, weekly and monthly goals that will help you reach your overall goal.  Lastly, stick to your plan and don't make excuses for yourself along the way! 

Here's an example of my goals for this week: 

1- Meal prep on Sunday and Wednesday
     (Clean meals only)
2 - Drink 1 gallon of water a day 
3 - Workout 6 times this week 
4 - 45 min of relaxation each day (clearing the mind is so important to keeping balance). 
5 - lose 1.5 - 2lbs this week 

Each day I review these goals I jotted down in my planner and check them off as completed. 

It's very true if you fail to plan, you plan to fail! 

Here's to your weekly planning and crushing your goals. 

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